Newly released RagRug pots


Small batch ceramics soulfully made.

I take nourishment in the belief that a bowl fills me up. Once in the making, when I am grateful for my nimble hands and clear eyes to create the vessel; and again, when I know my bowl will hold sustenance in someone else’s hands.  Mostly, though, I make these bowls to clear my head and connect with my heart. This work is inspired by the brightly colored and vibrantly patterned rag rugs throughout my home and the homes of my friends.

These are hearty, open, slouchy vessels that are pieced from strips of vividly colored porcelain slips laminated onto clay slabs of porcelain, stoneware, or earthenware and fired up to 2200 degrees. The exterior of the pieces is left unglazed to impart a tactile grip when holding, and the interior is glazed in a buttery matte or shiny clear for contrast.

Currently, I make work in multiple sizes, small to feed yourself and larger to feed your family and friends.  And, sometimes, I make bowls which will simply rest on a counter to feed your soul.